No. 3 "M" Depot, R.C.A.F. Edmonton, Alberta

Inside the Barracks

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Photo courtesy Mike Spack

Bunk beds in the barracks at No. 3 "M" Depot with bedding piled on top.

Photo courtesy of Mike Spack. Mr. Spack has graciously agreed that I might include quotes from his descriptions of the war. To visit his excellent site on his career in the RCAF, with 100 pages of text and over 150 photographs, please click here.

Mike Spack comments: "The beds had to be made up in a particular way and there were inspections of the hut where we slept some 30 or 40 of us.  Most of us learned quickly how to fold up our pants at bedtime and place them carefully under the mattress.  A great way to keep a sharp crease in our trousers!  We were one of many many flights of males, more of us boys trying to become adults and each flight housed in one hut."